Events & Activities in Hertford
This page gives information on events and activities in Hertford. It is updated daily. If you would like to advertise on this website and the Facebook page, please do get in touch by using the email address opposite.
Thursday 27th March – Storytime
These interactive story sessions are perfect for pre-school children to enjoy with their parent/carer. Join in with a mix of picture book stories and rhymes. Every Thursday from 10.30am – 11am, at Hertford Library, Dolphin Yard, Maidenhead Street, Hertford, SG14 1DR.

Friday 28th March – Haunted Hertford
An atmospheric guided walk through the ghostly haunted sites of Hertford. Walk starts in Salisbury Square on Friday 28th March from 7.30pm – 9pm. To book click here

Saturday 29th March – Bring and Buy
Come for tea and coffee and enjoy homemade cakes to eat or takeaway, at this bring and buy sale and raffle. Saturday 29th March from 10.30am – 12.30pm. At The Old Vicarage, Vicarage Lane, Waterford, Hertford.

Saturday 29th March – Mendelssohn Elijah
A drama of truly biblical proportions, Mendelssohn’s oratorio Elijah is up there with the very best of the classical repertoire. Join Hertford Choral Society for this concert at All Saints Church, Hertford, SG13 8AY. Saturday 29th March from 7pm. Tickets can be purchased in person from Hertford Tourist Office or online click here

Monday 31st March – Baby Group
An opportunity to meet other families with young babies in a supportive, stimulating and friendly environment. During the session you can play, discover more about their development and support your wellbeing. £1.50 per family pay on the day drop in. Mondays from 10am – 11.30am At Hertford Selections Family Centre, Welwyn Road, Hertford, SG14 2DG.

Tuesday 1st April – Knit and Natter
A social group for catching up and making new friends, so why not pop along and meet some lovely people for a natter and if you want you can knit too. Every Tuesday from 10am, at The Farmers Boy Brickendon, 1 Brickendon Lane, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8NU.

Tuesday 1st April – Train and Track Play
Train and Track Play is an organised session for children to integrate and socialise with other children through playing with toy trains and cars. Let your child explore the world of vehicles through exciting, tunnels, bridges, turntables, roads, garages, sidings and ignite their imagination and creativity. At 1st Hertford Scout Hut, Marshgate Drive, Hertford, SG13 7JY. Tuesday at multiple times. To book click here Next 15th and 29th April, 13th and 27th May, 10th and 24th June.

Friday 4th April – An Evening with Kaleb Cooper
An intimate evening filled with honest conversations, hilarious anecdotes, and plenty of surprises. Expect lots of his famously strong opinions on everything from sheep to celebrities, farming, alongside unique rural insights. Ask Kaleb your burning questions, hear untold stories, and laugh along with his deadpan humour and hear about his entrepreneurial and business ideas that have helped him rise above the challenges that face British farmers today. At BEAM, The Wash, Hertford, SG14 1PS. Friday 4th April from 7.30pm. To book click here

Saturday 5th April – Farmers and Craft Market
A wonderful market for Hertford. The Corn Exchange Farmers and Craft Market is a celebration of local talent, delicious produce, and handcrafted goods all under one roof. At Corn Exchange Hertford, Fore Street, Hertford, SG14 1AL, Saturday 5th April from 10am – 3pm.

Saturday 5th April – Coffee Morning
There is always a delicious selection of home-made cakes and bakes to tempt you, along with fresh coffee, tea and drinks for children. There are usually items for sale and always a very warm welcome. The first Saturday of every month from 10.30am – 12.30pm. At St Andrew’s, St Andrew Street, Hertford, SG14 1HZ.

Saturday 5th April – Vintage Preloved Sale
Please help fundraise for Bengeo Scouts, and at the same time turn some of those quality, but unwanted bits and pieces, into cash. Saturday 5th April from 12 noon – 4pm. At 2nd Bengeo Scout Group HQ, Watermill Lane, Bengeo, Hertford, SG14 3LB.

Saturday 5th – Saturday 26th April – Children’s Easter Trail
Families are invited to follow the trail map and discover the themed knitted characters hiding in shops and shop windows across Hertford Town Centre. Saturday 5th – Saturday 26th April. Trail maps can be collected from the Hertford Town and Tourist Information Centre at The Wash, Hertford or click here

Sunday 6th April – Spring Craft Fair
Spring fair celebrating local artists on Sunday 6th April from 11am – 4pm, at Mudlarks Cafe, Fore Street, Hertford, SG14 1BY.

Sunday 6th – Sunday 27th April – Children’s Easter Trail
Entertain the children this Easter with the Secret Society of Hertford Crafters children’s trail. Follow the trail map and discover the themed knitted characters hiding in shops and shop windows across Hertford Town Centre. Further details will be added in due course.

Tuesday 8th April – Spring Workshop
Children will be making potions with a variety of Spring ingredients for them to experiment with. Watch your child discover their inner magician (scientist) as they make potions that fizz, pop and bubble, and experiment with different sensory add ins. They can then decorate a jar to take their brew home, complete with a DIY beaded easter tag to complete the magic. There will also be colouring, and free tea, coffee and squash. Suggested age – 3+ Due to the nature of the potion ingredients, some may stain – please don’t wear your best clothes. Tuesday 8th April from 2.15pm – 3.45pm. At The Mill House Hertford, Unit 3, Dicker Mill, Marshgate Drive, Hertford, SG13 7JY. To book click here

Thursday 10th April – Hertford Jazz
Jazz Jam welcomes jazzers of all abilities on the second Thursday of every month from 7.30pm – 10.30pm, at the Hertford Club, Lombard House, Bull Plain, Hertford, SG14 1DT. Bring your instrument, sticks or voice to join in with the house band, or just come to listen and enjoy the chaos.

Saturday 12th April – Farmers’ Market
This Farmers Market in Hertford takes place in Market Place on the second Saturday of every month and features produce from the local area. The market is open from 8.30am – 1pm and features produce from local livestock, poultry and dairy farmers, together with fruit and vegetables, honey, preserves and bakery products from the countryside surrounding Hertford.

Monday 14th April – Rhyme and Sign
Regular Baby Rhyme Time with the addition of Signed Supported English by the Deaf and Hearing Support Service. Second Monday of the month from 10am – 10.30am and 11am – 11.30am. At Hertford Library, Dolphin Yard, 10 Maidenhead Street, Hertford, SG14 1DR.

Thursday 17th – Monday 21st April – Easter Beer Festival
Hop into Easter at The Old Cross Tavern, St Andrew Street, Hertford, SG14 1JA, for their Easter Cask Ale Festival, where they will be serving over 20 exceptional cask ales. Whether you are a seasoned ale enthusiast or just love exploring new flavours, they have got something for everyone. A wide range of ales, from crisp and hoppy to rich and malty, great atmosphere to kick back and enjoy the long Easter weekend.

Saturday 19th April – Easter Bazaar
Hot cross buns, cakes, crafts, raffle and more at this Easter Bazaar. Saturday 19th April from 10am – 12 noon. At Waterford Village Hall, High Road, Hertford, SG14 2PR.

Monday 21st April – Brush up your Shakespeare
Take the opportunity to Brush up your Shakespeare on this walk as you explore life in Hertford in the time of The Bard. Walk starts in Salisbury Square, Town Centre, Hertford, SG14 1BW. Monday 21st April from 2pm – 3.30pm. To book click here

Thursday 8th May – VE Day 80
The Mayor of Hertford, on behalf of Hertford Town Council will welcome all to the 80th Anniversary of VE Day at Hertford Castle , The Castle, Hertford, SG14 1HR, on Thursday 8th May from 5.30pm. With live music, fish and chips, crepés and bar, there will be plenty to enjoy as we commemorate this shared moment of celebration with the nation. You are welcome to bring your own blankets and seating. The Beacon will be lit at 9.30pm.
The Castle grounds can be accessed by foot at any of the following pedestrian gates: Castle Street, St Andrew Street Car Park, Main Castle Gate off The Wash or through the Moat Garden on Castle Street. Free event.

Sunday 11th May – Eco Fest
The event at Hertford Castle, Castle Street, Hertford, SG14 1HR, is planned to raise awareness amongst as many people as possible of the small changes we can all make to reduce our carbon footprint and save money. Fun activities, live entertainment, food and drink and craft stalls will feature alongside information and education around money saving ideas and carbon reduction. The Castle will also be open to explore free of charge. Sunday 11th May from 12 noon – 6pm.

Sunday 18th May – Panshanger Pleasure Ride
Back by popular demand is this beautiful pleasure ride in the Panshanger Park. This is an exclusive event with limited spaces, which add to the comfort of riding without large of fast groups clogging up the routes. Suitable for young horses and riders. Plenty of places to enjoy a canter, or just bumble around at your own pleasure. Sunday 18th May from 9am – 3pm. To book click here

On now until – Sunday 1st June – Barbara Cartland: The Art of Romance
The latest exhibition at Hertford Museum, 18 Bull Plain, Hertford, SG14 1DT, is Barbara Cartland: The Art of Romance. From aviation to activism, discover the real story of the woman behind over 700 romantic novels and the artist Francis Marshall, who brought her book covers to life. Running now until Sunday 1st June from 10am – 4pm.

Saturday 19th July – Sunday 31st September – Children’s Summer Trail
Follow the trail map and discover the knitted characters hiding in shops and shop windows across Hertford Town Centre. Further details will be added in due course.

Tuesday 5th August – Aerial Invertebrates of Heath and Wood
An introductory walk about the butterflies and dragonflies of Hertford Heath and Balls Wood. This walk is weather dependent and may cover muddy and uneven ground. At Hertford Heath, Hertford, SG13 7PW. Tuesday 5th August from 11am – 12.30pm. To book click here

Friday 3rd – Sunday 5th October – Oktoberfest
Enjoy Live Oompah bands, German Bier, Oktoberfest Games, Axe throwing, fancy dress, gourmet food XL Steins and much more. Come along to Hartham Common, Hertford, SG13 7AH, as it is transformed into a Bavarian wonderland. Friday: 5.30pm – 10.30pm Saturday Day: 11am – 4pm Saturday evening: 5pm – 10.30pm and Sunday: 11am – 5.30pm. To book click here

Wednesday 12th November – Evening with Tottenham Legends
Come and join Tottenham Legends: Ledley King ands Ossie Ardiles along with host Graham Roberts to hear first hand accounts from your favourite players and gain unique perspective on sport and all things spurs, with over 700 appearances between all 3 players for the club, this is a night for any Spurs fan. The Lads will also discuss their careers, games, dressing room and training ground stories, managers, fall outs and everything you wanted to know about playing for a successful football club. There will be a chance to pose questions to the stars during the evening. Wednesday 12th November from 7.30pm. At BEAM Hertford, The Wash, Hertford, SG14 1PS. To book click here