Events & Activities in Hertford
This page gives information on events and activities in Hertford. It is updated daily. If you would like to advertise on this website and the Facebook page, please do get in touch by using the email address opposite.
Thursday 23rd January – Storytime
These interactive story sessions are perfect for pre-school children to enjoy with their parent/carer. Join in with a mix of picture book stories and rhymes. Every Thursday from 10.30am – 11am, at Hertford Library, Dolphin Yard, Maidenhead Street, Hertford, SG14 1DR.
Thursday 23rd January – Paint a Lavender Iris
Experiencing different painting styles and techniques created by famous influential artists is not only a great way to reignite your painting mojo it is also a great way for beginners to learn to paint too. A highly experienced art tutor will guide you through the process of painting your picture, step by step, so that you can relax and just enjoy the experience. Recommended age: 18+ Thursday 23rd January from 7pm – 10pm. At Hertford Heath, 40 London Road, Hertford Heath, Hertford, SG13 7PW. To book click here
Monday 27th January – Baby Group
An opportunity to meet other families with young babies in a supportive, stimulating and friendly environment. During the session you can play, discover more about their development and support your wellbeing. £1.50 per family pay on the day drop in. Mondays from 10am – 11.30am At Hertford Selections Family Centre, Welwyn Road, Hertford, SG14 2DG.
Tuesday 28th January – Knit and Natter
A social group for catching up and making new friends, so why not pop along and meet some lovely people for a natter and if you want you can knit too. Every Tuesday from 10am, at The Farmers Boy Brickendon, 1 Brickendon Lane, Brickendon, Hertford, SG13 8NU.
Friday 31st January – Bay City Rollers
Journey back in time to those carefree days of the 70’s when Scotland’s original boy band ruled the charts. Selling over 300 million albums worldwide, the Bay City Rollers attracted fans of all ages and a phenomenon known as Rollermania swept
across the globe. Now, Bay City Roller legend, Stuart “Woody” Wood, has brought together a powerful group of talented musicians who embody the same essence of the original band that the world knew and loved. Friday 31st January from 7.30pm. At Corn Exchange Hertford, 39 Fore Street, Hertford, SG14 1AL. To book click here
Saturday 1st February – Coffee Morning
There is always a delicious selection of home-made cakes and bakes to tempt you, along with fresh coffee, tea and drinks for children. There are usually items for sale and always a very warm welcome. The first Saturday of every month from 10.30am – 12.30pm. At St Andrew’s, St Andrew Street, Hertford, SG14 1HZ.
Saturday 8th February – Farmers’ Market
This Farmers Market in Hertford takes place in Market Place on the second Saturday of every month and features produce from the local area. The market is open from 8.30am – 1pm and features produce from local livestock, poultry and dairy farmers, together with fruit and vegetables, honey, preserves and bakery products from the countryside surrounding Hertford.
Monday 10th February – Rhyme and Sign
Regular Baby Rhyme Time with the addition of Signed Supported English by the Deaf and Hearing Support Service. Second Monday of the month from 10am – 10.30am and 11am – 11.30am. At Hertford Library, Dolphin Yard, 10 Maidenhead Street, Hertford, SG14 1DR.
Wednesday 12th February – Herford Astronomy Group
A friendly group of people with a common interest in astronomy. They hold a monthly meeting from 8pm – 10pm, at the University of Hertfordshire, Lindop Building, College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB. All ages welcome, future dates Wednesday 12th March, Wednesday 9th April, Wednesday 14th May and Wednesday 11th June.
Thursday 13th February – Hertford Jazz
Jazz Jam welcomes jazzers of all abilities on the second Thursday of every month from 7.30pm – 10.30pm, at the Hertford Club, Lombard House, Bull Plain, Hertford, SG14 1DT. Bring your instrument, sticks or voice to join in with the house band, or just come to listen and enjoy the chaos.
On now until – Sunday 23rd February – At the Edge of the Empire Exhibition
Discover the untold story of the rural community of Foxholes Farm, growing in the shadow of the world’s most powerful empire. Free admission. At Hertford Museum, 18 Bull Plain, Hertford, SG14 1DT.
Wednesday 5th March – An Evening with Jeff Stelling
Football pundit extraordinaire Jeff Stelling will be joining BEAM, The Wash, Hertford, SG14 1PS, on Wednesday 5th March from 7.45pm for an evening of football antics, anecdotes from the pitches and stories from the changing rooms. This is a show no footballing fan would want to miss. To book click here
Thursday 13th March – Hertford Jazz Jam
Pocket Silver return to the Hertford Jazz Jam for another hard-bopping session. A short set from the band followed by a jam session for all comers. Bering your instrument or your voice or just come for the grooves. At The Hertford Club, Lombard House, Bull Plain, Hertford, SG14 1DT. Thursday 13th March from 7.30pm.
Saturday 19th April – Easter Bazaar
Hot cross buns, cakes, crafts, raffle and more at this Easter Bazaar. Saturday 19th April from 10am – 12 noon. At Waterford Village Hall, High Road, Hertford, SG14 2PR.
Sunday 18th May – Panshanger Pleasure Ride
Back by popular demand is this beautiful pleasure ride in the Panshanger Park. This is an exclusive event with limited spaces, which add to the comfort of riding without large of fast groups clogging up the routes. Suitable for young horses and riders. Plenty of places to enjoy a canter, or just bumble around at your own pleasure. Sunday 18th May from 9am – 3pm. To book click here