Contact Details

This page give information on how to advertise on the website and the contact details.

It is completely free to advertise on our website, if you would like to promote your event, please do get in touch. All you need to do is send us the details of your event, such as date, time and location along with any other information you may feel necessary, plus a picture / flyer of the event that we can use. It can be a one off-event or a regular event. We look forward to hearing from you.

Email: [email protected]


Find us on:

X (Formerly Twitter): Community News – Hertfordshire (@CommunityHerts) / X

Instagram: Community News Hertfordshire (@communitynewshertfordshire)

At Community News Hertfordshire, we never ask you to send us money, it is completely free to advertise on our website. If anyone asks you to send us money it is a scam. All our published events are to our knowledge genuine and we take care to only promote items from a reliable source. We take no responsibility for you booking an event advertised.