Events & Activities in Abbots Langley

This page gives information on events and activities in Abbots Langley and the surrounding area. If you would like to advertise on this website and the Facebook page, please do get in touch by using the email address opposite.

Wednesday 26th March – Elvira’s

Elvira’s is your local community coffee shop and the bustling heart of the Henderson Hub. Tuesday – Friday from 10am – 2pm and Saturdays 10am – 12.30pm. At The Henderson Hub, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AR.

Friday 28th March – Baby Rhyme Time

These fun, half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills and are a great opportunity for you to meet other families too. Every Friday from 10am – 10.30am. At Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP.

Friday 28th March – IT Champions

IT Champions offer one-to-one support, problem-solving, and online safety advice for users of the library computers and WiFi. Fridays from 4pm – 5.45pm, at Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP

Saturday 29th March – Leavesden Country Parkrun

The event takes place at Leavesden Country Park, College Road, Abbots Langley, WD5 0NX. Every Saturday from 9am. A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. For further information click here

Saturday 29th March – Spring Show

This spring Show will be held on Saturday 29th March from 11am – 1pm. Open to the public at the Abbots Langley Methodist Church, Langley Road, Abbots Langley, WD5 0EH.

Saturday 29th March – LEGO Club for Children

Join Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP, for fun sessions Saturdays. Places are limited so please book at the library. Session for children age 5 to 12 (under 8s must be accompanied by an adult) Every Saturday from 11am – 12 noon.

Monday 31st March – Coffee Morning

Come along, make new friends and just pay for what you have at this coffee morning. Mondays from 10am – 12 noon, at The Breakspear Room, St Lawrence Church, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AS.

Monday 31st March – Dementia focused Compassionate Support Hub

Come along to the dementia focused Compassionate Support Hub and see their Healthy Hub team. There will be a led chair exercise followed by a range of dementia organisations visiting to talk about the support they provide. At Henderson Hub, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AR, Last Monday of each month from 10.30am – 12.30pm.

Tuesday 1st April – Blood Pressure and Health Checks

Abbots Langley Pharmacy will be in Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP, offering free blood pressure and health checks. This program is free and open to everyone. Tuesday 1st April from 9.30am – 12 noon.

Tuesday 1st April – Adult Day Care

Adult day care centre providing safe and supportive care in a warm, welcoming environment, offering a variety of services designed to assist individuals who need daytime support. Fun art and craft activities, chair based exercises, a hot two course meal and respite. Every Tuesday from 10am – 2pm. At Leavesden Green Community Centre, Clarke way, WD24 0BW. For further information click here

Tuesday 1st April – Knit and Natter

Open to all, from absolute beginners to experienced knitters. Bring along all your crafts whilst enjoying a chat and a cuppa. Now 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10am – 12 noon. At Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP. Free but donations welcome.

Tuesday 1st April – Meet and Compete Board Games

Abbots Langley Library Meet and Compete board games session takes place in the library every Tuesday from 2pm – 3.30pm. All are welcome and if you received a new board game for Christmas and would like to bring it along to play with others than please do so. At Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP.

Tuesday 1st April – Storytime

Join in with stories and rhymes, ideal for children aged 2-5 years. There is no need to book, just turn up at Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP. Tuesdays from 2.15pm – 2.45pm.

Wednesday 2nd April – Compassionate Cafe

Compassionate Cafés are a place where people who have experienced a loss, such as a bereavement, can pop in for a cuppa, a cake, and a friendly person to talk to. It provides a safe environment for individuals to come together, have a friendly chat, and connect with others who may share similar experiences. First Wednesday of each month from 2pm – 3.30pm, at St Lawrence Church Café, Breakspear Room, St Lawrence Church, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AS.

Monday 7th April – Kids Craft Club

Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP, will have a Kids Craft Club, on the first Monday of the month between 4pm – 5pm. Children will need to be accompanied by an adult, but they are sure the grown-ups can embrace their creativity too. This is a free club but donations would be appreciated to help cover the cost of their craft materials.

Thursday 10th April – Pop Up Cafe

Hot lunch and Children’s Craft for accompanied Children and any adults. All free at All Saints Church Leavesden, All Saints Crescent, WD25 0LU. Thursday 10th April from 12 noon – 2pm.

Sunday 13th April – Bring and Share Lunch

Come and Celebrate David’s time as Curate at All Saints before he leaves for St Pauls by joining him for a bring and share lunch after the 10am Service. There is a sign up sheet at the back of church to let them know if you are coming and what you will be bringing to share. Alternatively contact the office to let them know. Sunday 13th April at All Saints Church Leavesden, All Saints Crescent, WD25 0LU.

Monday 14th March – Chess Club

Abbots Langley Library, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP, will be holding a Chess Club on the Second Monday of the month from 4pm – 5.30pm. Chess lovers of all ages can gather, play chess, and socialise with like-minded players. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, everyone is welcome to join. No bookings required. They will provide chess sets for your convenience, but feel free to bring your own if you prefer.

Friday 18th March – Easter Craft

Make your own Easter Garden and join in a mini Easter service. Outdoor fun for children and their carers. All materials supplied, but please bring your own picnic rug to sit on. Contact the office [email protected] to book your place and let them know you are attending. Friday 18th March from 10am, at All Saints Church Leavesden, All Saints Crescent, WD25 0LU.

Thursday 8th May – VE Day Celebration

A shared moment of celebration. Join All Saints Church Leavesden, All Saints Crescent, WD25 0LU, to listen to the Church Bells ringing out in celebration of peace giving you the opportunity to pay tribute to the many millions at home and abroad that gave so much to ensure we all enjoy and share the freedom we have today. Thursday 8th May at 6.30pm.

Friday 9th May – David Boakes: A Tribute To Michael Jackson

This show is amazing and you will be singing along at the top of your voices all night long. At The Henderson HUB, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AR. Live on their stage Friday 9th May from 8pm, David will be performing Michael’s greatest hits for you with his amazing live band. To book click here

Friday 30th May – One World Animals

An event for all ages; meet, hold, and learn about many precious and beautiful exotic animals from around the world. From tarantulas and snakes to playful ferrets, you will have the opportunity to meet and handle a diverse range of fascinating creatures up close and personal. Learn about the animals and their habitats and discover how you can make a difference in protecting our planet’s incredible biodiversity. At Abbots Langley Community Centre, Manor House Grounds, High Street, Abbots Langley, WD5 0AP. Friday 30th May – Tickets on sale from 2nd March click here

Saturday 31st May – Homemade Arts and Crafts Fair

Homemade Arts and Crafts Fair on Saturday 31st May from 10am – 3pm. At All Saints Church Leavesden, All Saints Crescent, WD25 0LU.